Crafted material: Bio-fan
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For the crafted material, I designed a bio-fan, combining biopolymers and 3D printing to create a functional and nature-inspired object. The fan's blades were personalized to resemble leaves, 3D-printed with golden PLA for a refined aesthetic. The fabric was crafted from alginate, a biomaterial I made using a recipe from class with some modifications.
To make the alginate fabric, I increased the concentration of alginate and glycerin for improved strength and flexibility. My final recipe included:
400 ml of water
14 g of alginate
26 g of glycerin
Additionally, I added spirulina for a green tint and golden mica powder for a shimmering effect. Before pouring the mixture into a fabric-stretched frame, I sprayed calcium chloride to ensure proper gelation, spread the mixture evenly, and sprayed again to solidify it. After letting it dry for a few days, I carefully removed it from the mold.
The result was a vibrant green material with a golden shine that was flexible, resistant, and adhered well to silicone glue when attaching it to the fan blades. The fan was both functional and visually striking.
Areas for improvement:
I would make the alginate layer thinner to reduce the fan's overall weight.
I would experiment with additives to reduce the unpleasant odor of the alginate.